Get AI to create a coaching website in 60 seconds.
No coding, No design, No copy writing skills needed
What you get 👇
✅ Generate Website with AI
✅ Renews annually at the same price
✅ No coding, No design or copy writing needed
✅ Accept payments globally (integrate Razorpay)
✅ Learning Management System (Upload videos, pdfs etc)
✅ Community Management (Likes, comments)
✅ Inbuilt AI Marketing Assistant
✅ Email & Whatsapp Automation
✅ Pre built landing pages for Webinar, Demos, VSL & Book Call
✅ Edit sub domain of your website
✅ 5999 Credits for AI & Automation
✅ Recorded tutorials to help you setup
✅ Connect your own domain (after 30k in sales)
✅ 1 hr Blitz Setup with AI Live session
❌ Access our coaching programs
Additional Charges applicable
+ Commission of 5% + taxes on all sales
+ Payment gateway charges of 2% + taxes
+ Purchase additional credits when required
Auto renews every year. You can cancel anytime